VIPR - Autonomous Indoor Platform
[hide]VIPR - The Indoor Autonomous Platform
The VIPR is a configurable autonomous robotic platform built by SuperDroid Robots. This robot accepts programmed waypoints and then develops an optimal path. Powerful LiFePO4 batteries and a set of 250W motors power this mobile platform. You can use it to transport items, or add custom attachments for your own projects! Using a suite of advanced cameras and sensors, the VIPR detects and avoids obstacles. The path updates in real-time to address obstacles and reach its destination.
VIPR Features
The VIPR Autonomous Platform is a versatile robot with a variety of features!
- Dynamic Pathing
- Real-time obstacle avoidance
- Automatic course optimization
- Versatile ROS Melodic Environment
- Intuitive GUI for waypoint and path control
- Multiple attachment points
- Protective shell for chassis
- Payload capacity of up to 200lbs
- Follow Me mode
- Docking station for easy charging
How Does the VIPR Work?
The Chassis
The VIPR can operate on all indoor surfaces, as well as overcome thresholds up to 3/4". Designed for indoor applications, the VIPR is great for use in warehouses and offices. This platform is ideal for maintaining social distancing and for carrying sanitation systems.
Our autonomous platform design is intended for easy modification. The goal is to allow users the ability to make the VIPR exactly what they need. A reinforced chassis allows the VIPR to operate while transporting up to 200lbs. Multiple attachment points make it easy to add and remove sensors and components. The ROS system makes developing your own autonomous algorithms easy!
Autonomous Pathing and LIDAR
Autonomous pathing allows our system to learn a patrol route while being capable of adjusting that path as needed. The ability to set sequences of waypoints based on GPS coordinates makes patrolling even easier. Interested in learning more about autonomous robotics? Check out our autonomous robotics page.
Our autonomous robots utilize a Linux-based Robot Operating System (ROS). This allows us the flexibility needed to make navigation and control even smoother.
LIDAR, SLAM, Intel Realsense, and other sensors collect a constant stream of data. Learn more about LIDAR and other sensors in our support article. This data is then sent for to a ROS environment in an NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier for processing. This serves as the brain of the VIPR, using the information to make realtime decisions. The autonomous system then generates a map of the area around it. This map serves as the internal guide for the VIPR.
This is what allows the VIPR to identify objects, avoid obstacles, and determine an ideal path. This protects not only the robot but the things around it.
Controlling the VIPR
An autonomous robot can make decisions and react to its surroundings. The VIPR can travel smoothly between destinations, and detect obstacles along the way. But those destinations need to be provided to it. That's where our intuitive control system comes in. With our easy to operate GUI a user can set a series of waypoints to visit. These waypoints can be edited, saved, or even rearranged to fit whatever you need! Start or stop the VIPR with the push of a button, set it to follow you, or even tell it to return to it's charging station!
More Autonomous Systems
The VIPR is just one of SuperDroid Robots autonomous platforms! Click the link below to see the rest of our autonomous robots!